2021 – 2024

I have photographed islands, rock formations and landscapes both in my home country and abroad. I am especially fascinated by remote locations with an enigmatic atmosphere. Strange situations and coincidences inspire me.

Islands reflect emotion, beauty and mystery. They tell a story of boundless dialogue between dream and reality. I feel that the islands carry with them secrets, ancient memories of the constantly changing world, nature and people as well.

What is freedom? How randomly does it hit?

freedom # dream # reality # permanence # movement # time # nature # transition # change # adventure # newbeginning # secret # memory # chance


I´ve always been admiring tulips especially when they wither, when the last flickers of life take them into the whirls of dance. I am enchanted by their random acrobatics.

In these works, the swirls of fragile flowers and the changes in the tones of their petals may be compared to human life with ragged images and memories full of gaps.

# fragile # memory # memories # change # dream # enjoyment # tour # stability # ageing # joy

2018 -2019

In the autumn 2018 while the daylight was diminishing my green plant called Angel´s wing started dropping its leaves. I was fascinated by their curvy shapes, their last struggles to survive. I admired their cellular structures and then let them glide into my collages.

# fragile # memory # memories # change # decay # detachment # dream


I build up my collages of 2-6 layers. One of my favorites objects has been a greenhouse – now already decayed – built by my father in Central Finland. To these collages I´ve picked up material in New York, Casablanca, Marrakesh, Cappadocia in Turkey, Florence, Venice and of course in Helsinki. The characters I’ve found from antiquarian bookshops, from the albums of relatives and friends.

# search # wondering # meditation # enjoyment


Plants swallow empty spaces. Wandering, pausing in strange views.

# unfinished # in transit # joy # sorrow # serenity


I love old photos and peripheral areas and I feel endless interest in everything that is decaying. Strange situations and coincidences inspire me.

# edges # distant # transitional phase # dreams # memory # memories

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